Monday, December 7, 2015

WW1 - Preparedness Movement

I think that the U.S. needs to get ready for World War 1. We need to end this thing right away. We have the ability to do so and this is why. We had the modern weapons during this time. We had rapid fire artillery (machine guns). We also had the ability to attack others defenses by using grenades, machine guns and poisonous gas. All these weapons were used to stop the soldiers from advancing.

We need to work with our allies and help them out as much as we possibly can. I mean, we have ancestral connections to these European countries: France, Italy and Great Britain. We can’t just let them fend for themselves. Wouldn’t you want to help a part of your family if they were in need of help? I know I sure would!  We should have full confidence in our country. We have a strong government and military. Believing in your country and being loyal to it is called nationalism. Are we just going to be cowards and watch our allies struggle? NO, we need to buck up, believe in our country and go help our allies.

What really triggered WW1 was the Assassination of the Archduke Francis Ferdinand. He was the Duke of Austria-Hungary and was assassinated by a terrorist group. The leader of this group was Gavrilo Princep from Siberia. Should we just let this group keep going out and killing other leaders? What happens when they take our own? This is why we need to prepare for WW1.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Muckraker Article - Marijuana

A small house in Little Compton, Rhode Island was filled with Marijuana. One suspect had a medical marijuana caregiver card to care for a sick friend. But there was way more marijuana than the patient would ever need. One suspect sold to an undercover police officer, looking to make a profit. Police have noticed this pattern all over America where people are helping the sick ones but they are growing more to sell and make money. Kevin O’Brien says he doesn’t know who the good guys and the bad guys are. They don’t know who are the drug dealers are or the patients. Peter Kilmartin, an Attorney General, wants to back a bill that eliminates the loopholes in the system. He thinks people should not be given a caregiver card unless they have had a background check. Joanne Leppanen, a supporter of medical marijuana patients, says it’s frustrating to see people abuse the program. There are about 7,600 patients and 3,500 caregivers statewide in Rhode Island.