Monday, March 21, 2016

Trump and Nixon Similarities / Book Questions

1.       They are against silent majority. They are not scared to speak whatever is on their minds.
2.       They both had a secret plan to end wars. Trump supposedly has a secret plan to destroy ISIS and Nixon had a secret plan to end Vietnam War.
3.       They both believe that law and order is very important.
4.       They both had protesters at their rallies.
5.       There was racism going on in both of the elections.

Page 837,#’s 6-8

6.            The U.S. was sworn enemies with them because they were the world’s two largest Communist giants. / People thought that the US, China, and the Soviet Union should get along and become powerful.
7.            We wanted to have a better relationship with China and the Soviet Union so then we wouldn’t have to worry about them being a threat to us.

8.            I think that the SALT I was a very important treaty. This treaty limited offensive nuclear weapons. It helped ease the growing concerns about the arms race. It showed that the US and the Soviet Union were willing to work together.