Thursday, February 18, 2016

Asian Auschwitz

This article about the “Asian Auschwitz” really caught my attention. All of the ways they tortured the prisoners just made me sick.
Some of the prisoners were tortured by having their chest get cut open and dissecting all of their internal organs. All this was happening while they were still fully alive. They said they just wanted to know more about anatomy and that it was just education about sex. Ishii wanted to do a brain experiment, so while he’s still alive, they took an axe to his head, and pulled out the brain. They would hang people upside down and see how long it would take for them to die. They wanted to find a cure for frostbite so they would send people outside with little to no clothing on and pour water on them so they could freeze faster. Other times they wouldn’t even torture them for experiments, they would just do it to see them suffer. They would inject urine into the prisoner’s kidneys just so they could watch them under go severe pain.
All of these cruel activities occurred in an undercover medical experimentation under the Japanese Army. Officially, it was known as the Anti Epidemic Water Supply and Purification Bureau, but the people working there and in charge of it knew it better as Unit 731. 

What really blows my mind is that after this fiasco got done, they went on with their life and got jobs. One guy that worked for Ishii became the head of Green Cross (Japan’s largest pharmacy company). How come they get to kill all these innocent people and get away with it? Yes, they’re doing it for experiments, but it is not right to kill them the way they did or at all. I was very saddened by the article and couldn’t imagine being tortured the way they were. 

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